Exiles' return
Who was Cyrus? Who was Darius? Who was Antaxerxes? What’s the connection between the books of Ezra and Chronicles? Who wrote “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit”? Why was Daniel thrown to the lions? Who got tax-free status under Artaxerxes? Who ordered the removal of pagan wives? Who oversaw the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls? Which Jewish leader threatened to “lay my hands on” anyone who broke the Sabbath? After Babylon falls, Cyrus (the Mede, the conqueror) believes the gods will honor him for returning their peoples to their lands, including returning Jews to Jerusalem (Ezra 1). The book of Ezra continues the story from the end of the book of Chronicles, keeping the same priestly emphasis and suggesting the same person may have compiled both. Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel lead the captives home (though many, including Daniel and Esther, and presumably Ezra at this time, choose to stay). Returnees rebuild the altar and star...