But When Will Elijah Come Into It?
So many prophets, so many names, so many missing books: I hope you're enjoying our trip through the prophets as much as I am, and I'm sure we'll soon come to names more familiar from lists of books in the Bible. This week we're going to meet a familiar prophet without a book of his own - is that like a minister without portfolio in the British government? (5) More Prophets, Priests and Kings We usually think of the Northern Kingdom as being “more evil” than the Southern after Israel splits. Read 1 Kings 14:22-25 and see if you think that’s true. What parts of the modern world do we consider more evil? Should we? After the split, many priests return from the North to the (Southern) Temple, as might be expected. Those who return write Chronicles, which characterizes priesthood as vitally important, and the North as comprehensively evil. Read 2 Chronicles 11:13-17. Do we try to twist things into simple good and evil when the world’s really more complicated? Sh...