Feeling Hungry?
We're reaching some familiar territory in our gospel Bible studies now, with the feeding of the 5,000. So let's find some coffee and cookies and imagine the scene... Are you feeling hungry? (41) Are you hungry? John places the feeding of the 5,000 in Galilee after Jesus’ second period of teaching in Jerusalem. Matthew, Mark and Luke place it when Jesus retires to a quiet place after the return of the twelve from teaching two by two (and after the death of John the Baptist). John says the miracle took place just before a Passover, perhaps when lots of pilgrims were heading to Jerusalem. We’ll imagine it as after the 2 nd Passover (after the healing at the pool)—maybe near the 3 rd ? As always, we don’t know for sure—we make our best guesses and follow the journey into Jesus’ final year of ministry. Read John 6:1-4, Matthew 14:13-14, Mark 6:30-34, Luke 9:10-11. Where are they? (And why? – see last week’s study) 1. How does Jesus react to the...