How bad can it get and still be good?
We're continuing in Ezekiel this week, living among the exiles as they wait for the other shoe to fall. The story kind of begs the question, how bad can it get and still be in God's hands. Ezekiel had a faith we might all need to share, and message we might all need to heed.
(36) Prophet to the Exiles - Ezekiel
(36) Prophet to the Exiles - Ezekiel
We’ll look at Ezekiel 12 later, as
it describes a visual parable of a captive people’s escape. For now, we
continue looking at why the people are captive in the first place. Ezekiel has
4 years (Read Ezekiel 20:1, 591 BC) in
which to explain to the people why they can’t go home and won’t have a home to
go back to.
Jerusalem is under attack. How do we defend ourselves when we feel
1. Read Ezekiel 13:1-7 How might someone
recognize if prophecy comes from their own heart rather than from God? By the
time it’s fulfilled might be too late.
What do the false prophets tell people to do
or not do? Are these real or metaphorical walls? How do we choose between trusting God and taking action to help
3. Read Ezekiel 13:10-12. What might be modern
parables for this?
4. Read Ezekiel 13:17-19. So women are
prophets too, and women are false prophets too. What are they doing, and why? (And how does this fit with women wearing
veils on their heads out of modesty?)
there any modern parallels to magic charms?
6. Read Ezekiel 13:20-21. Does this mean
magic works?
The exiled leaders come to Ezekiel
for advice. Who would we turn to?
Ezekiel 14:1-3. What idols do we set up in our hearts?
Ezekiel 14:7-8. How do our idols separate us from God?
Ezekiel 14:9-11. Why should the prophet be punished?
Ezekiel 14:12-14. What do Noah, Daniel and Job have in common?
Ezekiel 14:13,15,17,19,21. Why four beasts? Is an increase in trials really a prequel to the end-times?
Ezekiel 14:22. Can you think of other situations in the Bible where a
remnant brought hope? Read 1 Kings
19:18,2 Kings 17:18, Jeremiah 39:10, Nehemiah 1:2, Romans 9:27,Romans 11:5 Is
it always a good thing to be part of the remnant?
Ezekiel 15:2-5. What was Israel “made” for? What were we made for? (Read verses 6-8)
Ezekiel tells a parable of Israel’s
relationship with God. How would we
describe our church’s/our nation’s relationship, from birth to the present day?
Ezekiel 16:2-5. Babies were washed, named, rubbed with salt, and loved in
Palestinian tradition. Why would a baby be abandoned like this? What does it
tell us about what we might deserve from God?
Ezekiel 16:6-7. God names the baby, “Live.” What kind of love does he show
it? How does he show us this kind of love?
Ezekiel 16:8,13. God changes the name to “Mine.” What kind of love does he
show now? How does he show us this kind of love?
Ezekiel 16:15-19. How do these images relate to images of worship? How do we play the harlot with what God has
given us?
Ezekiel 16:20-21. Why did they give their children to the flames? Remembering those metaphorical walls, has
this got anything to do with abortion and child sacrifice, or is something else
going on?
Ezekiel 16:24. How did Israel “build itself a shrine”? And how do we?
Ezekiel 16:26-29. Do you remember what parts of Jewish history are being
referred to here? Do you think they remembered?
Ezekiel 16:44-47. Remembering back to the beginning of the chapter (and the
parable), who might be Israel’s “mother”? If
there is a battle between our father’s and mother’s spiritual genes in our
lives, who is our “mother”?
Ezekiel 16:60-61. So there is hope. But what does this hope mean for
Israel’s neighbors? For us?
Ezekiel tells the parable of the
Eagle and the Vine in chapter 17. Read
Ezekiel 17:1-10,22-24.
Remembering that eagles represent Babylon and Israel is God’s vine, how does
this fit what is happening back in Jerusalem? What
does it promise for the future?
Ezekiel then goes on to set rules
for God’s people, starting from another popular proverb. Read Jeremiah 31:29, Ezekiel 18:-3-4. What do you think the proverb
was being used to imply?
1. Can
you paraphrase Ezekiel 18:4-18 in
modern terms?
2. Read Ezekiel 18:21-23. How does remind
us of New Testament promises?
3. Read Ezekiel 18:24. What does this mean?
Can we really say once saved, always
4. Read Ezekiel 18:25. Even in Old
Testament times, people still said “Not fair!” Do we want God to be fair?
5. Read Ezekiel 18:32. How might we do this
Four years before the fall of
Jerusalem, the elders come to Ezekiel to hear God’s word. Read Ezekiel 20:2-4. How does Ezekiel feel about these people? How
does God feel about them?
1. God
recites a history of his relationship with his people. In the New Testament,
various sermons are based on the history of God’s relationship with his people.
How important is it to know our spiritual history?
2. Read Ezekiel 20:33. Why is God furious? What makes us furious?
3. Read Ezekiel 20:34-36. What does God do
in his fury? What do we do in ours?
4. Read Ezekiel 20:45-49. Who else spoke in
5. Read Ezekiel 21:3-5. God says his sword
will not return – does this remind you of royal edicts at the time? What image
does it convey of God?
6. Read Ezekiel 21:13. Why can’t Jerusalem
be spared? Should we expect to be spared?
7. Read Ezekiel 21:14-17. What do you think
Ezekiel is doing while he speaks these words? Why might God use actions,
parables, etc to convey his meaning?