Insults, demons and witnesses

Our Coffee Break women are still metaphorically sitting at Jesus' feet in the women's court of the Temple, listening to our teacher and trying to figure out who he is and what he's teaching us. Of course, the authorities have ideas, and questions, of their own...

(58) Time for some Serious Discussion…

The ordinary people (including women) gathered around Jesus have an interest in knowing who’s speaking. The authorities want to know whose authority is represented. What do you want to find when you read John’s gospel?
1.       Read John 8:48 Is this an insult? What ways have you heard Jesus, or your faith in Jesus, insulted?
2.       Read John 8:49 Have they accused Jesus of being demon-possessed before?
a.       Read Matthew 9:32-34, 12:22-28, Mark 3:20-29, Luke 11:14-15. Were these events earlier or later?
b.      What was happening on these occasions? What makes people “dishonor” God and faith?
3.       Read John 8:49-50 How does verse 50 answer the “you have a demon” accusation?
a.       They’re in the court of God’s Temple. Does God “seek” glory and honor?
b.      They’re accusing Jesus. What sort of “judgement” does God use?
c.       Would they have recognized what Jesus meant? Does that help us recognize what he means?
4.       Read John 8:51 Jesus has already predicted his death, so what does death mean here? (Read Isaiah 40:8)
5.       Read John 8:52-53 Did they understand what Jesus meant by death? Could they have understood?
a.       Jesus is greater than the prophets, but the church leaders can’t just take his word for it. Should they?
                                                                                       i.      How critically do we listen to people who claim to speak for God?
                                                                                     ii.      How do we confirm that preachers, speakers, church leaders etc really are serving God?
                                                                                    iii.      Why might it be dangerous for a believer to be separate from church community?
6.       Read John 8:54-55 Is Jesus being offensive, or are we reading the transcript of a sincere religious discussion?
a.      Read 8:13 Returning to the beginning of the discussion (or an often repeated question), Jesus agrees with the Old Testament rule and presents his witness. Assuming they didn’t hear God’s voice at Jesus’ baptism or on the mountain, how has God witnessed to them about Jesus at this point?
b.      John describes various “signs” (by which God glorifies Jesus) in his gospel. They might be listed:
                                                                                       i.      Ceremonial washing replaced with eternal banquet (John 2:1-11)
                                                                                     ii.      Healing at a distance (John 4:46-54)
                                                                                    iii.      Leading to healing (John 5:1-15)
                                                                                   iv.      Manna in the desert (John 6:5-15)
                                                                                     v.      Parting of the Red Sea (John 6: 16-24)
                                                                                   vi.      Lord of the Sabbath heals on the Sabbath (John 9:1-7,13 later)
                                                                                  vii.       Power over earthly death (John 11:1-45 later)
What happened at each of these? Does the listing make sense to you?
c.       Read Isaiah 35:5-6 Does Jesus fulfil the Old Testament signs? Should they have known who he was?
                                                                                       i.      Does this help remind us who he is? Do we need/when have you needed reminders?
7.       Read John 8:56-57 Jesus returns to the question of Abraham being dead or alive…
a.      What does this say to us about life after death?
b.      What does it say to us about the Jewish roots of our faith?
c.       What did it seem to say to them?
8.       Read John 8:58-59 What did this say to them? What does it say to us?


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