Christmas Week - Life, Death and Resurrection
Christmas Week: Life, Death and Resurrection Luke 2:43, Lost in the Temple: What if… it was easy to get lost in the crowd? • Jesus is old enough to travel with his parents now. • Families would travel in large groups, so it’s easy to imagine Jesus (like a teenager) was with some other members of the group. • There are lots of apocryphal stories about Jesus’ miracles as a young child. They’re not included in our Bible because people much closer to the time than we are didn’t believe them. Rediscovering them now doesn’t make them any more believable, and doesn’t prove that anyone deliberately hid them from us. Luke 3:21, 7:22, Matthew 14:8, John the Baptist: What if… baptism was an established Jewish ritual? The crowds gathered round John and were baptized into his following. There was nothing strange about baptism—ritual washing was common. What was surprising was the fact that Jesus was baptised and the way some of John’s followers decided to follow him instead. Meanwhile Salome mu