Never Going Home?
We're still trying to follow Jesus through the Gospels, just reaching the point where he enters Galilee. Whether this is in his first or second year of ministry is kind of debatable, as most things that far back in history would be. It's the differences in the stories that make it so hard to imagine they were made up. When Jesus is rejected in his home town, my immigrant self almost smiles. We change. The world changes behind us. And we really can't go home because that home we remember no longer exists. But Jesus points toward a home that won't change, where we will be changed through him to make us welcome. (13) On To Galilee Jesus is heading North through Samaria with a few disciples – probably John, Philip and Bartholomew (Nathaniel); maybe Andrew and Simon. His ministry, as described in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, is just about to begin. (Some say the second year of his ministry, following a “year of obscurity” in southern Judea, is about to begin