More about Easter than Christmas, but who is my neighbor?
Okay, it's not a Christmassy Bible study, but our Coffee Break group is clearly in the runup to Easter by now. Our timeline might seem a little odd, but we're trying to follow days and years while the Gospel writers were following ideas. And here's where we find ourselves, just after last week's study where Jesus promised Fire and Brimstone for cities that he loved. (63) Samaritan Tales Remember John 8:48. “Samaritan” was the ultimate insult. But Jesus is planning to return to Jerusalem (perhaps for the Feast of Dedication— John 10:22— in winter); Samaria lies on the shortest route. It’s also the most local “bad place” and Jesus has just been talking about the dire fate in store for “good places” that reject him. Read Luke 9:51-56 1. Read Luke 9:53 Why didn’t the Samaritans want Jesus in their village? Was it just that Jesus was a Jew, or is something more going on? (After all, they liked him earlier— John 4:40 .) 2. Read Luke 9:54 Why might Jam