Exodus - Commandments, Applications and Provisions
9: What if… principals and rules create a people? The Ten Commandments: The 10 commandments are mentioned in Exodus 20:2-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21 & Exodus 34:28 How do we count them? Surprisingly, there are different ways in different Christian traditions: 1. Honor only one God 2. Respect him, in image and in name 3. Give one day of the week to him 4. Respect for parents 5. Respect for life 6. Respect for relationships 7. Respect for property 8. Truth in relationships 9. Relational jealousy forbidden 10. Envy of property forbidden This version lists 3 God-centered commandments and 7 describing God’s plan for us. Symbolically 3 represents God, 7 His plan and 10 something counted by man. In the New Testament, Jesus points out the principals displayed in the commandments; in the Old Testament, God tells Moses how those principals translate into immediate practice. Explanations and Civil Law: Exodus 20:22-26 : Idols and Altars: practical application of spiritual issues Exodus 21:1-9 : T...