Old Testament Tales - Noah's Ark
Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel 1. Which came first, Noah’s flood or the Tower of Babel? 2. Which came first in Noah’s flood, the rain or the rising waters? 3. Where might Noah’s flood have taken place? 4. How many of each animal did Noah take into the ark? 5. How long did the flood last? 6. What is the first incidence of drunkenness in the Bible? 7. When did God tell man not to eat meat with the blood in it? 8. Who was Methuselah? 9. Who was Enoch? 10. Where was Babel? The Bible records early people living to great ages (Genesis 5). Adam is recorded as dying at age 930, his son Seth at 912, grandson Enosh 905, etc. with Methuselah (Noah’s grandfather) reaching the grand old age of 969—a Biblical record! Some traditions describe the miracle of God’s giving us long life. Others suggest that the patriarch’s name is used throughout the existence of the tribe, not just the man. Non-Biblical documents seem to record great ages as proof of great wisdom and power. For myself, I s...