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Welcome to the Virtual EBook Fair again, where you can read lots of real samples of real ebooks and meet lots of real authors too. Just click on the picture and you'll be there! Have you been taking your #OneADayGenesis prescription? Every day on Twitter you'll find #OneADayGenesis tweets with links to that day's five-minute story. Download one story Read to the kids at bedtime and repeat... That's my publisher's prescription for bedtime fun until the kids go back to school. But you want a sample story here and now. Really? Okay. Here's a 3-minute story from Exodus Tales (the sequel to Genesis People)--Remember those midwives? ~ 5 ~ THE MIDWIVES (Exodus 1:15-22) When the Israelites lived in Egypt there were two ladies, called Shiprah and Puah, who looked after all the Israelite mothers that were going to have babies. Shiprah and Puah knew a lot about health and good medicines for mothers and babies. But they didn’t have any ch...