
Showing posts from September, 2014

Studies in Acts - Introduction

We're going to study Acts in our Coffee Break Bible study group, and we'd love you to join us, so here's our first lesson. Studies in Acts - Introduction Before we study Acts, let’s try to get some idea what we think we’re letting ourselves in for. Without looking in the Bible, try to give your “first-thoughts” answer to the following four questions. 1.        What do you think Acts is about? 2.        What do you most hope to gain from studying Acts? 3.        What do you think Christians in general, and Christian leaders in particular might gain from studying Acts? And 4.        Given that people like to classify things, would you classify Acts as: a.        History b.       Teaching c.        Prophecy d.       Poetry e. ...

The teacher, the writer and the cabinet maker

We were asked in church to talk with the people sitting around us and discuss what we think is our "calling." On one side of me was a wonderful lady who not only runs but starts new church groups from scratch, always encouraging people, always drawing people closer to God. She has a day-job too where she doesn't push faith down people's throats, but she does make it clear what she believes and she's there for everyone. She amazes me. On my other side was a kind and gentle man who builds cabinets. He works alone, doesn't talk much about his faith or anything else. He prides himself on a job well done, value for money, and satisfied customers. He gives pleasure to those who employ him, and he creates beautiful pieces. There in the middle sat I. I'm a writer. I feel "called" to encourage people to read their Bibles, ask questions, realize faith isn't blind, and read their Bibles again. It sounds pretty good doesn't it? And I have books o...