Family, Friend and Foe on the Galilee Roads
Jesus' ministry in Galilee is just beginning to take off in our New Testament studies. But it's interesting how different a picture we get when we follow the story slowly week by week. Bearing in mind that the real story must have taken one to three years, maybe following slowly is a good thing. We're glad you're joining us! (28) Friends, Enemies and Family Luke gives an often-ignored picture of how Jesus travels the countryside. Read Luke 8:1-3. 1. Is Jesus opposed to the rich, or to money? Are women poor? And is this the picture you expected? 2. Is Jesus opposed to women in ministry? 3. What sort of women are following him? Why might poor women not be numbered among them? 4. Why might family members (Mary for example) not be numbered among them? Proclaiming the kingdom of God… in Galilee… is a pretty big deal and provokes a...