Is Faith Over-Rated?
(77) Some things that might be over-rated… We often assume all the lawyers questioning Jesus were “bad,” but blanket assumptions are frequently wrong. So now a rich young ruler brings his question to the poor young Galilean preacher. Read Matthew 19:16, Mark 10:17, Luke 18:18 1. Have we ever asked this question? What sort of answers come to mind? 2. Read Matthew 19:17a, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19 Why would Jesus start his answer this way? a. Would it be normal to say “Good teacher”? Or to say “good thing”? b. If not, what might the young man’s saying “good” have meant (in either case)? 3. When we’re looking for advice, where do we look? a. How many of us have shelves full of good self-help books? b. And what does Jesus’ reply tell u...