What are we looking for?

Jesus fed the 5,000 then disappeared. When he reappears, the crowds gather to meet him. Are they looking for food, healing, teaching... or just for the next new thing? If they were looking for teaching, they certainly found some, though the disciples described it later as a "hard teaching."

What are we looking for?

(43) Hard Teaching

Jesus has just fed the 5,000; John records this as Jesus’ fourth “sign” (Read John 6:14—the signs so far are: wedding feast at Cana, healing the official’s son, and healing at the pool) and so a seriously big deal in determining who Jesus is. Jesus then sails across the water (and walks on water—last week’s study). Meanwhile… Read John 6:22-24
1.       How do the crowds react when Jesus has “disappeared”?
2.       What efforts do we make to “find” Jesus when we don’t sense his presence?
Jesus lands at Gennesaret (probably Kineret on the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, not far to the west of Capernaum). Read Matthew 14:34-36, Mark 6:53-56, John 6:25
1.       How do the crowds react when they find Jesus?
2.       How do you picture the scenes in “villages, cities or the country”?
3.       Are we this excited about Jesus?
Read John 6:26, Matthew 14:36, Mark 6:56
1.       How does Jesus respond to the crowds? Is he helpful, disappointed, generous, annoyed… all of these?
2.       Does reading the passages from Matthew and Mark help us understand the passage in John?
3.       If we feel like we’ve disappointed God, do we tend to retreat from him or drawer closer to him?
John invites his readers to draw close and listen to a famous sermon. Read John 6:27
1.       What do we normally “labor for”?
2.       Read John 6:28-29 When is believing “work”? What everyday beliefs require work?
3.       Read John 6:30-31 According to John, Jesus has just given them a “sign.” Why are they asking for another one?
4.       Is asking for signs any different from praying for guidance, or for things we need?(Read Mark 6:36 again)
5.       Read John 6:32-35 Did you know John is the only Gospel writer who doesn’t describe the institution of Communion at the Last Supper. Is he describing it here?
6.       How hungry are we for Communion?
Jesus’ sermon continues, while his listeners fail to understand. Read John 6:36-40
1.       What is God’s will for Jesus? (verse 38,39)
2.       What is God’s will for those who come to Jesus? (Verse 40)
3.       What is Jesus’ will for those who come to him? (Verse 37)
But the crowds don’t understand. Can we blame them, or would we be confused too?
1.       Read John 6:41-42 The NT tells us to “test” what we hear (read Deuteronomy 13:1-3). Is this what they’re doing?
2.       Read John 6:43-45, Jeremiah 31:3, Isaiah 54:13  How does this affect our confidence to trust in Jesus?
3.       Read John 6:46-51 How is Jesus’ like manna in the desert?
4.       Is this the first time Jesus foretells his death?
5.       Read John 6:52 Do we still misunderstand? Do we still argue about the wrong things, and let the wrong things divide believers?
Read John 6:53-58 Can you paraphrase this, after reading and studying the earlier parts of the passage?
Read John 6:59 The disciples are about to call this a “hard teaching” (verse 60). Would the crowds be happier to hear these things in a synagogue or by the lake? How might the meaning change in the context of worship and the Temple?


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